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When Do Babies Start Regulating Their Body Temperature

Ruby Nose does not recommend a specific room temperature for good for you babies.

Room Temp Image

Key Points on Room Temperature

  • Babies control their temperature predominantly through the face up and head. Sleeping baby on the dorsum with the caput and face up uncovered is the best mode to protect baby from overheating.
  • It is not necessary to monitor the room temperature or to leave the heating or cooling on all nighttime, as long equally the babe is dressed appropriately for the room temperature.
  • Wearing apparel infant as y'all would dress yourself – comfortably warm, not hot or cold.
  • A good fashion to check baby's temperature is to experience the infant'due south back or tummy, which should experience warm (don't worry if baby'southward easily and feet feel cool, this is normal). If babe is showing signs of heat stress, remove some bedding or clothing. This may be necessary if babe is unwell, in which instance y'all should seek medical attention.
  • Ensure that babe's caput and face cannot get covered - practise not apply bedding such equally duvets, pillows, bumpers, lambs' wool, or have soft toys in the cot or where the baby is sleeping.
  • A practiced way to avoid face covering is to utilise a safe infant sleeping handbag (i with fitted neck, armholes or sleeves and no hood).
  • If using bedclothes rather than a sleeping bag, it is the best to utilize layers of lightweight blankets that tin be added or removed easily co-ordinate to the room temperature and which can be tucked underneath the mattress. The bed should always be made up so that the baby is at the foot of the cot to avoid any risk of the face or head becoming covered past bedding.
  • Remove babe'due south bonnet, beanie, hood or hat as before long as y'all go indoors or enter a warm auto, bus or train, even if it means waking the baby.
  • Never use electric blankets, wheat numberless or hot water bottles for babies.
  • Never leave baby in a car to sleep without supervision.

Thermal stress (overheating) has been implicated in SUDI for many years and fugitive overheating has been one of the strategies to reduce the take a chance of SUDI.

With the advent and marketing of nursery thermometers and suggested bedding configurations, parents may think they must maintain a specific room temperature in order to reduce the risk of SUDI. In Australia, it is usually non necessary to measure room temperature.

In that location is some show to show that very loftier environmental temperatures may increase the risk of SIDS, with a recent study reporting that maximum daily outdoor temperatures greater than 29°C recorded in Canada between 1981 and 2010 were associated with a iii times greater odds of SIDS compared to 20°C. There was a college odds ratio in older babies aged iii-12 months compared to younger babies aged 1-ii months.1 This finding is in contrast to earlier studies which did non find whatever increased rates of SIDS during a oestrus wave in the USAii or in relation to elevated maximum temperatures in Taiwan.3

With regards to the use of a fan in the baby's bedroom, a example controlled report of 185 SIDS babies and 312 controls found that the use of a fan was associated with a 72% reduction in SIDS risk.4 The reduction in chance was more pronounced in adverse sleeping environments. For example, when room temperatures were greater than 21°C, at that place was a 94% decreased risk of SIDS compared to no fan use. Fan utilise was also associated with reduced SIDS risk at lower room temperatures less than 21°C. The mechanism for this protective effect is unknown, only the authors suggested that fan apply may reduce rebreathing of exhaled carbon dioxide trapped near a baby'due south airway by bedding.

To date, in that location is no evidence to show that maintaining a specific room temperature prevents SUDI and that thermal factors are implicated in SIDS as long equally:

  • The baby is placed to slumber on the back
  • The baby is dressed appropriately for the room temperature (not over or under dressed)
  • The infant's head and face remain uncovered

Caput and Face up Covering

Studies show that the adventure of SUDI increases when a baby'south face becomes covered by bedding, east.chiliad. sheets, blankets, quilts and duvets.5-viii In 1996, Fleming and colleagues found that babies who died were more heavily wrapped than command infants who did non die, with the risk increasing every bit the tog value (a measure of thermal resistance or insulation) increased. A small-scale but significant proportion of these babies also wore a hat to sleep. Compared to controls, significantly more than babies who died were constitute at the bottom of the bed, more than were plant with covers over their heads, and of these, more were sleeping nether duvets.7

In a review of the 10 papers published on caput covering and SIDS which covered the period between 1958 and 2003, all studies showed an increased run a risk for SIDS with a prevalence of head covering amongst SIDS victims ranging from 13% to 48% with a mean of 25%.9 In control infants who did not die, the prevalence was 0% to 6%, mean 3.two%. The overall increased risk for SIDS was 17-fold – this is 5 times higher than that for prone sleeping and maternal smoking. Parents in 4 studies reported that over a quarter of SIDS and control infants had previously been found with their heads covered.10

Babies regulate their temperature primarily through their head, particularly their face. In a heavily wrapped baby, 85% of total heat loss is through the face.xi If this normal method of heat loss is restricted by bedding roofing the face up, wearing a bonnet, lid, hood or beanie or tummy sleeping (fractional face covering by mattress and/or bedding), at that place is a significantly increased chance for thermal stress to occur.

Tuffnel and colleagues demonstrated that heat loss in tummy sleeping babies is threescore% less effective than for non tummy sleeping babies with the same insulation values for wearable and bedding.12 This may explain why researchers found that stomach sleeping in combination with increased body insulation increased the run a risk of SIDS,13-fifteen specially in rooms where the heating was left on.7,15 Hauck and colleagues found that tummy sleeping in combination with a soft bedding surface increased the adventure of SIDS more than 20 times.sixteen

The mechanism responsible for death when the face and head becomes covered is non entirely clear. Covering of the confront and head could be associated with elevated torso and encephalon temperatures. Physiological studies of caput covering accept shown that, despite only small-scale increases in torso temperature, in that location are pregnant impairments in the autonomic command of both the respiratory and cardiovascular systems when babies' faces are covered by only a sheet.17 There are also more frequent falls in oxygen levels and rebreathing of carbon dioxide when babies' heads are covered.18 It is also known that babies have depressed arousal from sleep when the face is covered, even for babies sleeping in the back position.19 Arousal from sleep is an important protective response to life-threatening stimuli and failure to arouse from sleep is idea to be a possible mechanism leading to SIDS.xx

Although evidence demonstrates an increased adventure of SIDS where there is a combination of tummy sleeping, increased thermal insulation and room heating, there appears to exist no clan betwixt SIDS and high external environmental temperatures2 as long equally the baby is not over insulated and is able to cool down by evaporation of sweat. Sweating is one of the most important defenses against overheating and the combination of sweating with red peel may exist indicative of overheating.21

Bed-sharing and head covering

Sharing a sleep surface or bed-sharing with a baby can increase the take chances of SUDI and fatal sleeping accidents. Studies have suggested that more than half of all SUDI cases occur whilst the infant is sharing a sleep surface.22-29 Some physiological studies have shown that head covering was more than common when infants slept in the parental bed compared to when they slept lone in their ain cot30 and more frequent falls in oxygen levels and rebreathing of carbon dioxide occurred.31

Bedding for babies who have a cold

Research has shown that babies with symptoms of a common common cold are often given more than bedding than they demand due to care giver concerns that babies showing signs of a cold need to be kept very warm.32 In fact, providing assist to babies with a common cold to finer regulate their temperature is very important. This can be best achieved by placing them on the dorsum to sleep with the head uncovered and removing some bedding or wear. If baby is overly warm to touch, or showing signs of oestrus stress (irritability, looking unwell, floppy, drier skin, refusing to drink or having fewer wet nappies than usual) then see your doctor or health professional immediately.


At that place is strong evidence to bear witness that tummy sleeping significantly increases the risk of SUDI, specially when the caput or face becomes covered. Likewise, there is good bear witness to show that the take chances also increases for babies who sleep on their backs if their head or face becomes covered. All the same, in that location is no evidence to bear witness that extra thermal insulation increases the hazard of SIDS in babies who slumber on their dorsum with the head and face uncovered.14 There is also no testify to support maintaining a specific room temperature or any specific bedding configurations (number of blankets required) as this depends on a number of factors such equally what the baby is wearing, whether information technology is summer or winter and whether there is heating or cooling within the room where the baby is sleeping.

The Red Olfactory organ Safe Sleeping programme is based on scientific evidence and was developed by Australian SUDI researchers, paediatricians, pathologists, and child health experts with input from overseas experts in the field. The 85% drop in SIDS deaths and the 9,967 lives that have been saved is testament to the effectiveness of the program.

For further data telephone Blood-red Nose in your Country or Territory on 1300 998 698.

Suggested commendation:

Ruddy Nose. National Scientific Advisory Group (NSAG) 2016. Information Statement: Room temperature. Melbourne, Ruby Olfactory organ. This information statement was first posted in September, 2007 and updated in August 2016.

View the references for this article here.

Last modified: 27/2/18
