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Black Ops 2 How to Get Aim Bot

Dedicated servers solve the problem for clans

We have said that time and time again and what for those who dont want to be part of any clan? those who want to just play the game online without being subjected to cheats?

(Dads Army) Pvt Pike původně napsal:

We have said that time and time again and what for those who dont want to be part of any clan? those who want to just play the game online without being subjected to cheats?

Play a game that allows you to kick cheaters.

Play a game thats single mode only problem solved I AM DISGUSTED in paying for black ops 2 and already its hacked and full of scumbag cheats

I don't understand what people get out of cheating. It ruins the game for everyone. I don't understand why with current technology they cant stop it. I just want to play the game without some idiot going 60 and 5 and then when you call them out on it they say " Im not hacking Bro, you just suck bro" . Im done wasting my money with the cod games.

the incredibly lopsided scores are not because of cheats guys, the game is broken, some players are un-hittable, which basically allows them to be godlike in this game. perhaps these idiots will do something about it soon , the other online forums are full of players that are having the same problems!!

$4.99 and they guarantee its undectable, if steam, treyarch, origin, activision or whoever really wanted to put an end to hacking they would go after they people and companies that market the stuff. Clearly they do not, hacking and cheating is a huge part of online gaming and they for some reason advocate against it while at the same time allowing it, probably because there is money in it somewhere.

Get used to it.

Yossarian původně napsal:

the incredibly lopsided scores are not because of cheats guys, the game is broken, some players are un-hittable, which basically allows them to be godlike in this game. perhaps these idiots will do something about it soon , the other online forums are full of players that are having the same problems!!

This too, call it legal hacking. some players seem to have the ping in their favor, either through luck or some method of control. Lag switching is one, very common and hard to detect.

private pike, quit wurrying so much :) whenever you see a hacker, just BAN him by reporting him ingame. you will get him BANNED that way. you get the BANNED picture?

not always it takes upto 2 weeks for a ban if the ban is even put in place and these scumbags just get another cdkey online for cheap and then activate it on another steam account.

It takes them 5min and they are back in here cheating again and some of these tards are making it thier mission to ruin the COD games with some kind of belife that they are getting thier own back or punishing Activision / Treyarch for lack of player controled dedi servers.

i would like to see this model cary on to the next game but also give us a server browser and let us rent the damn servers so i can have Admins on my servers to make sure hackers are banned in 5mins not 2weeks

Some people swear pc side has lag comp, others say it does not. All i know is most of the time when i come up against a player with diamond cammo, it comes paired with "they always get the first 3 shots in" even when ive popped off 4 shots and have 50 ms ping, they have 90 ms ping.

if this lag comp is so messed up, why do i come across entire clans who have the "got 3 shots off, always got the drop on you" even though i know ive popped off my shots first?

coverme původně napsal:

This too, call it legal hacking. some players seem to have the ping in their favor, either through luck or some method of control. Lag switching is one, very common and hard to detect.

Dam straight the lag comp is messed up. I've been playing BO1 all day today and every person I come up against with a much higher ping loses against me every time(my ping under 40ms). I swear people are somehow exploiting the lag comp in BO2.

Lag switching can only be done on console and only if your the host,but reguardless there is definitely something fishy going on with certain players and lag comp.

3rc Ifriqiya Kairouan původně napsal:

private pike, quit wurrying so much :) whenever you see a hacker, just BAN him by reporting him ingame. you will get him BANNED that way. you get the BANNED picture?

If you notice I posted that comment 5 months ago and nothing has changed..

Xterra původně napsal:

coverme původně napsal:

Lag switching can only be done on console and only if your the host,but reguardless there is definitely something fishy going on with certain players and lag comp.

Probably easier with a pc. been around for a long time.

I understand the principle of the lag switch for consoles.
What if on the PC side you knew the IP addresses of the other players on the server...
However you would be unable to associate an IP address with a player name. (unless you are in a group, you could get the IP of your buddies and exclude them from the address pool.)

Black Ops 2 How to Get Aim Bot
